Children of The Tribe winter 13 collection
Photographer David Hauserman
Styled by Aasha Tozer of The End Collective
Am sure it’s the same for a lot of you who have a little tribe, but shopping for the groms is sometimes as much (if not more) fun than shopping for yourself!! We adore local label Children of the Tribe by local designer (and mum) Emma McClean. It’s all animal print and crazy 70s disco-David-Bowie fabrics, printed tees and all the things you wish you’d dressed in when you were knee high.
I know that as a working mum I don’t get much (any!!) time to go shopping for Indi, so jumping online is the only chance I get… so lucky COTT has a website!!
Follow: On Insta @childrenofthetribe | @david_hauserman_photographer | @theendcollective